
This website was made for my friends who want to know about Japan

一人称代名詞②/The differences between first personal pronouns/

(ひさしぶりの こうしんです。じつは 「ごがつびょう」に かかって たいちょうを くずしていました)
 I’ve written a new article after a long time. Actually, I had got “Gogatsu-byo ” and I was kind of feeling blue.

(おおくの にほんじんは ごがつに、しがつから はじまった しんせいかつや きこうの へんかに つかれてしまい、がっこうや かいしゃに いけなくなるひとが ふえます。
これを ごがつびょうと いいます)
Many Japanese are tired of their daily routines because they decide to have some major changes in their lives which normally starts in April with the changes of seasons. Many of these people get a kind of depressed, and they are unable to go to their school/office. 
We call it “Gogatsu-byo” (May sickness).

(かなしいことに このじき、じんしんじこも ふえます)
Sadly in this season the number of fatal incident is increased.

(ところで、いちにんしょうだいめいしの ずが かんせいしました。)
By the way, I’ve finished to make a chart of Japanese first personal pronouns. 

ドラえもん千と千尋の神隠しNARUTOONE PIECE のキャラクターを使いました。
(どらえもん、せんとちひろのかみかくし、なると、わんぴーすの きゃらくたーを つかいました)
I used characters from Doraemon, Spirited Away, Natuto, and ONE PIECE.


NARUTOONE PIECE の絵は、絵が上手な友達が手伝ってくれました。
(なるとと わんぴーすの えは、えがじょうずな ともだちが てつだってくれました。)
My friend who’s good at drawing helped me with Naruto and ONE PIECE characters.

However, the characters are drawn with in the first personal pronouns which the characters use to refer themselves.

(たとえば、「せんとちひろのかみかくし」の はくは じぶんのことを「わたし」と よびますが、さいごに じぶんの しょうたいを おもいだしたときには、「ぼく」を つかいます。)
For example, “Haku” from “Spirited away” calls himself “watashi” in the almost all the movie, but finally he remembers who is he and he uses “Boku”