
This website was made for my friends who want to know about Japan


I hear that it’s a good season to see Perseids starting from yesterday.

Perseids is popular as a meteor shower which can be seen well in summer. 

日本のバンド、「SEKAI NO OWARI」の曲の歌詞に、「ペルセウス座流星群 君も見ているだろうか」という歌詞があります。違う場所にいても同じ星を見ることができるのは素敵なことですね。
There is a lyric of a song by Japanese band, “SEKAI NO OWARI”: “Perseids, now, do you see it as me?”
It’s romantic that people in other places can see the same stars.  

Today, it’s raining in Tokyo, so it may be difficult to see stars, but I hope that you can see the meteor shower.